Friday, December 21, 2012

6 months! (now almost 7 - oops).

Hi, everyone.  This post is long overdue!  Christmas is such a busy time of year!  I have actually consistently taken pictures of my little one...just haven't had time to post them all.  I just wanted to make sure I posted some with her 6 month sticker.

(I took these after I finished up a shoot in downtown Boise.)
Jovie sure has changed!  Up until 5 months she sort of just laughed if we were laughing or smiled if we smiled.  I can tell that now she is starting to understand laughter a little bit better...For instance, when we tickle her she laughs.  Or even when we pretend like we are going to tickle her she laughs.  She now knows what's coming and anticipates it...very cool!

She's been a bit more fussy, but still overall a happy baby.  She cries more when we change her diaper...but the poor thing is constipated.  If that's TMI, then wait till you have a baby.  All conversations end up at poop.  Anyways, we think she's having a hard time because she just started solids.  We gave her prunes (which she LOVED) and it seemed to help a little bit.  And boy, that number 2 is smelly.  I want to go back to when it didn't smell.

She sort of sits up.  I think she's a little slower on that one, since I think most babies do it at 6 months.  I can sit her up for maybe 30 seconds, and then she falls over or backward.  But that's okay.  She'll get it.  She's a super strong girl.

(this is her doing it all on her own.)

And lastly, she really didn't enjoy her 6 month shots.  They've been the worst so far in terms of crying.  But I think it's because they give her so many.  Poor baby.  The surprising thing for us was that she only weighed 16 lbs. 4 oz.  Two and a half months prior she weighed 15 lbs.  We were sure that she weighed at least 18.  Anyway...she's in the 50th percentile for weight and height.  I guess our chunky baby isn't so chunky after all.

And oh yeah, she still doesn't sleep through the night! Ha.  

Enjoy!  I didn't have time to pick and choose so I just posted them all!

(See you after the holidays!)

(And yes, my baby has a mohawk.  It's awesome!)

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