Tuesday, July 10, 2012

one month old.

Can you believe Jovie is already one month old?  I can't.

And this picture is exactly how we feel these days.  TIRED.  
BUT... more in love with our little girl then ever.

Here is a rundown of our little bug at one-month old.

- Jovie has gone from 8 lbs 15 oz at birth to 10 lbs 5 oz.
- Jovie has gone from taking 6-8 oz of formula/supplement a day to 2-4 oz a day.
- Jovie will not take a pacifier, but wants to suck anyway.  
It's very hard taking her little hands out of her mouth.
- Jovie's nails grow so fast!
- Jovie has nighttime confused for daytime.
- Jovie calms down for perfect strangers.
- Jovie calms down for her little birdie toy in her car seat.
- Jovie is much more alert.
- Jovie's hair (thought you can't tell in this picture) is a much lighter brown than mine and Rhett's.
- Jovie's hair is growing more...even though she was born with plenty.
- Jovie's eyes are still a slate grey.
- Jovie likes to be sung to by mom.
- Jovie likes being swaddled by dad.

Time goes by much too fast, my little one.
Thank you for reminding me to enjoy every moment.

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