Monday, December 30, 2013

I'm gonna be a WHAT?


Yep.  Jovie is going to be a big sister!  At this time, it will not be through adoption.  I'll update a little down below.

Still, we are so excited to announce that Jovie will be a big sister come July 2013!
We are pregnant again!  Thankfully, it hasn't been as difficult of a pregnancy as Jovie in terms of morning sickness.  With Jovie (tmi, sorry) I was literally throwing up 3 times a day throughout my entire pregnancy...even after her birth I was throwing up.  YIKES!
Still, I've had to get Zofran again (anti-nausea medicine) because during these last couple weeks that pattern was starting to repeat itself.

There were also a few scares, hence the late notice.  I was going through some different pregnancy symptoms and the doctors were afraid I was having an ectopic pregnancy...Basically, a pregnancy where the baby isn't forming in the right spot and, if so, wouldn't be able to survive.  BUT, after much prayer, a trip to the hospital, and two ultrasound check-ups is doing GREAT!  We have seen, but have not heard the heartbeat yet.  That'll be our next appointment!  
I'm still paranoid (just a natural mommy-feeling I've grown accustom to), so keep us in your prayers!

Although I'm just out of my first trimester, I think this pregnancy will fly by (with the exception of the last few agonizing weeks, ha.).  Most likely it's because we have a busy, busy toddler running about.

Also, I could find out WHAT we're having somewhere towards the end of January if I want to check early (and I SO DO)...or wait until 20 weeks for our regular doctor's appointment.  I'll keep you updated.

ADOPTION:  Our adoption agency has warned us specifically about blogging about the international adoption experience. Something we say could be interpreted negatively and cause a country to discontinue adoptions altogether.  For that reason, I will keep the adoption update short.

Rhett and I continue to be in prayer for our adoption.  Things have pretty much been put on pause for the time being until the adoption process begins again in the country we planned on working with.  Right now, they have put a temporary suspension on adoptions.  Meanwhile, we continue to raise money, get the word out, and pray. 

* no way think that because we are having another one of our own, we are giving up on adoption.  God put it on our hearts and that's something that is still working itself out.  
In His way.  And in His timing.  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

18 months

It's been so long since I've posted, I know!  I've been so incredibly busy (and bad excuse, I know).  But I really have.  I've been working 40+ hours a week.  My primary job is teaching Pre-K now.  
I haven't really decided how I feel about it yet!  More positive than negative no doubt...but, the first year of teaching is pretty crazy!

One big negative...I've had to stop scheduling shoots.  Rhett and I moved into our own home...and as much as I love taking photos of those clients...I was hardly charging because I was still starting out.  THEN, I started using it as a way to raise money for our adoption.  That was great!  But we still need to pay the bills somehow.

Anyway, in God's timing I'll be able to wear this camera around my neck full-time.

I miss Jovie; that's another negative.  (There are positives, I promise).  She's 18 months...a full-fledged toddler whose favorite word is "no".  But she still has a sweet side.  As you can tell from the pictures...she loves to give "besos", her "Daddy", and Minnie and Mickey (which she also calls Daddy).

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Jovie got so many presents and candy (as you can tell from the chocolate face in her picture). She absolutely LOVED all of her presents...minus the clothes unless it had Mickey or Hello Kitty (which she calls "mow"...not "meow"...but "mow").  But WE loved the clothes, so thanks!  These are just a couple of pictures from our lovely Christmas morning.

Anyway there's much more to come in the next 48 hours or so...I just didn't want to bombard everyone all in one post!  All I can say is God is good all the time...all the time 





Friday, June 7, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cake Smash!

*Cake by the lovely Lori at My Wicked Wisk

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

7 months.

Oh, it's been so long since I've posted anything at all!  Same excuse..but oh so valid -- I've been busy!  And sick actually.  I don't understand why our little family has gotten so sick over the past three months.  It's like non-stop.

Jovie, though, is great!  Thankfully.  Anyway, even though the posts have slowed the picture-taking has not.  I've just been posting a few on Facebook so family can see their little Jovie in the easiest way possible.  

I unfortunately have no picture with her 7 month sticker.  When I put her little sticker on, the stinker kept pulling it off and eventually ended up ripping it!  I'll get her for her 8 month photo though!

Jovie is finally sitting up on her own.  But I don't leave her alone for too long in case she face-plants.  And if I'm at the nursery, she still needs her Boppy.  

She used to LOVE eating.  Now she's not so interested and sometimes we have to force it a little.  But her favorites are apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, and prunes.  (We made our own sweet potatoes!).

She enjoys standing up...and holding herself up on the coffee table.  She's SO strong.  But no crawling.  And no teeth yet either. 

Jovie's not as outgoing with strangers.  She used to smile at everyone.  She still smiles..and she's still an overall happy baby...but you have to earn her smile a little more lately.

She shakes her head no...even though she doesn't know what she's saying.  She loves her bath toys (before she wouldn't take a I guess her toys she got for Christmas did the trick!).  And she says "BA BA BA BA BA".  She loves our cat...even though that cat is evil.  And she also loves Tobias...even though he doesn't know how to control himself around her.  He gets too excited.  

And no.  She still does not sleep through the night.  So future mamas...train your babies early.  

And as for me...I miss home.  For my sake and for Jovie's.  But...we are here for a reason my husband likes to remind me.  And he's right.  Plus...he LOVES his job.  I don't think I enjoyed my job in news as much as he enjoys his job now.  I think I just miss the security, financially speaking.  But..I'm learning to rely on God more because of it.  And when I look at my little Jovie's face...I'm SO glad I made the decision to stay home.  If it's within anyone's means to do it...I'd so recommend it. 

The beautiful moments with your little one are so fleeting.