Thursday, August 30, 2012

12 weeks.

 Jovie is getting so much better at tummy time.  This week she can hold her head up for a few seconds at a time.  She also doesn't fuss as quickly.  She can stay on her tummy for 5-10 minutes, when it use to be just 1 minute!

3 months is right around the corner.

And, yes.  That's our cat in the background. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

11 weeks.

This week Jovie is much more talkative and much more chubby :)

She also likes to drool.
Silly baby.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A little help?

As you might be able to tell from my blog...I love taking photos (especially of my little one).

BUT...I'd also love to take pictures of your little one and/or your whole family.  I'm trying to get practice, so it really would be my pleasure to take you or your family's picture, FREE of charge.

I know people don't normally do this, but it would truly help me get better (and that way if I mess up it's okay). 

I'll send you the images that get edited.  

I'm clearly more used to taking pictures of babies, but I'll take pictures of you, you and your spouse, your baby-to-be, sibling, dog, whatever.

You really would be helping me in the long run with practice.  And I might not get it right the first time, but we can try, try, and try again.  

I'm doing this for a limited time, because I truly do want to get better with my camera.  I'm still learning, but I'd love to speed up the process.

So e-mail me at if you are interested and live in the Treasure Valley and maybe we can work on a date to take some pictures!

And, really, THANKS for your help.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weeks 9 & 10

Weeks 9 & 10 have been extra busy.  For instance, Rhett graduated from Calvary Chapel Boise's School of Ministry.  Yay, dad!  He also (if you didn't see the previous post) got a job as the Children's ministry assistant.  An all around great week for our family.

This is a picture from graduation day :)

Week 10 was my first week back at I took pictures of my little baby when I could.  
I hate being so tired when I get home to see her, but I'm doing my best to not let that bug me.  
I just want to be awake enough to sing silly songs and make her laugh.

Enjoy the mixed bag of pictures from this week.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

best dad.

This is one of those praise God posts!  Rhett got a job at the church.  He's officially the Children's Ministry assistant.  And of course he's perfect for that position! 

 Just look at him with our little bug.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Two months old.

Baby Jovie you are two months old today.  You got your shots and you didn't like it one bit!  You screamed louder than we've ever heard.  But as soon as momma picked you up, you stopped crying.  The nurse was so impressed!

I'm dreading going back to work on Friday.  But that's because I'll miss my little baby so so much!
We'll get through it.  I promise to come home and give you lots of love!

At two months, Jovie, you are now starting to coo much more often.  And you're holding your neck up for longer periods of time.  You also love smiling with your mommy and daddy.  I love it all, but don't grow too fast.

Here are a few pictures I took of my big girl before the appointment.  (She's 12 lbs 6 oz and a full 23 inches!).

P.S.  Sorry for the absence.  For weeks 6 & 7 my little family went to California to visit Jovie's aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas.  It was a blast!