Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some editing practice...

So, if you're at all new to visiting my blog...that's good. I'm new to blogging (as you can tell from my site). But what isn't new is my love for photography. And recently I've been blessed to meet a pretty amazing girl in Boise who has already helped me with so much with that passion. Not just technically, but really with just being an encouragement -- in life and in photography. If you get a chance you should check out her site, Melanie Fitzgerald Photography.

Anyway, this week we worked a bit on editing. Rhett, once again served as my model even though he was sick!

my cat popped in, too.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Dad to be.

I couldn't have been more blessed with anyone other than Rhett Oliver Allen. He is so supportive - with my work, my future dreams, and my pregnancy. I hope everyone's lucky enough to snag a guy that puts up with your (at times) bad attitude and horrific
pregnancy symptoms without complaint. Okay, well maybe a couple complaints. But it's always followed by an immediate apology. And to be fair, the complaints come after he's only received a couple hours of sleep! I'm so undeserving.

He's going to be such a great dad!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jovie's Nursery

I know every pregnancy is different. But unfortunately, that's little consolation when you have more than 20 weeks of morning sickness....bad morning sickness. So, needless to say, it my excuse for not posting recently. Still, as baby Jovie gets closer and closer to making her appearance I can't help but pull out my Canon and start snapping away, working out all the kinks. So, because many have asked, I wanted to take some pictures of the nursery. It's still not done, but I wanted to show family and friends back home what it looks like so far. Most everything is handmade, so it was a lot of fun. Enjoy!