I'm not sure others feel the same, but praying, for me, is really hard. I've even found myself trying to make prayers rushed or falling asleep when I pray before I go to bed. But, time and time again God has shown me that prayer is powerful.
Many times, when I'm trying to rush things, I'll pray for things like 'world peace' or health for my family. Although I genuinely mean it when I'm praying for those things, my point is that many times my prayers are vague for the sake of being precise. And, sometimes it's almost like I'm limiting God by making my prayers vague. Like, I'm saying, God, I'm making my requests easy/simple this week. I know you can handle that.
So, this week I've learned something I've learned before--but apparently needed to relearn it.
I've been praying
specifically for things and really learning the power of prayer.
For instance, I prayed for a co-worker this week. Not for happiness and good feelings, but a specific thing. And the next day, that co-worker told me the exact thing I prayed for, came true. Mind you, my co-worker had no idea I prayed about anything. But in that answered prayer, not only was my teammate blessed by God (whether they understand that or not), but so was I. I was blessed, humbled in fact, in being reassured that God is in control of everything and everyone and that he does answer prayer.
I'm not saying God is a magician and he answers all prayers. But what I learned is that I need to have confidence in praying specifically for things, because He alone has the power to bring those things to fruition. And he answers prayers no matter how big or how small.
...which leads me to my last answered prayer for this post. I was falling asleep on the road today because I work such a crazy schedule. And it wasn't helping that the songs on the radio were blah. So, I prayed, once again specifically, that God would put a song on that would wake me up.
This was the song.
Then He followed it up with some Anberlin. Two for one!
Pray specifically and you'll be blessed--not only in confidence but with answered prayers according to His will.